
Of Course

Of course today would be the day that I decided not to bring the camera to Haley's soccer game. And of course today's would be the game in which she got her first hat trick! Haley was awesome. I wish I had some video to share ... but that's how it always goes, right?


Unknown said...

Carter's Dud quote is one of my favorites so far. Very cute. It looks like Haley is going to head for the pros in soccer. Wow. Not that I know what a hat trick is, but it sounds complicated. :)

Lindsey said...

A hat trick!!?? Haley, that is awesome! I think I know what a "hat trick" is....3 goals in one game???

Yes, that "Dude" comment is the best one yet. So funny!

The Reeds said...

Way to go Haley!!

Kate said...

You're right, Lindsey - three goals in one game. (She actually got four, but the teenage ref missed one.)