
Somebody Cracked the Top 10!

So, what do you do when your #8-ranked football team (sorry, Gators) has a bye and you find yourself with an entire Saturday to fill? Why, you ride the lift at Sundance, of course! We were hoping to see some amazing fall colors, but found that we were a tad early for that. Darn heat wave. Still, we had a nice day together.
I tried to take a picture of the twins together while the big kids played by the pond. Here are my attempts:And then I gave up.


Lindsey said...

1. Boohoohoo....I hate college football rankings and have been in mourning all weekend.

2. Oh, that first family picture is gorgeous! The family and the scenery!!

3. I can just see you trying to take pictures of the twins..."Oh...wait! Come back!" (click) "No, come back, just sit here for one minute" (click)

4. Chris' sunglasses are AWESOME.

Lindsay K. said...

Katie, that looks like so much fun. I have always wanted to do that, you'll have to tell me about it. Was it hard with the twins? I'm not sure I could get Lucy to sit still that long.

Petersons said...

Yay hoo! I didn't realize they had! I knew since a bunch of the ranked teams lost this weekend it was inevitable that they would move to the top 10...But 8!!! I'm grinning ear to ear!! I love those boys!
Looks like you guys had a fun Saturday!

Jen and Alec said...

Man, I miss Fall weather. We are still around 100 degrees, isn't that ridiculous? You look fabulous, by the way. You're one of those disgusting people who can have twins and noone would ever know it.

Kate said...

You guys are nice. If it makes you feel any better, I've been working my butt off to lose the baby weight. It's not like it just came off by itself. Seriously, how great would THAT be? I know there's girls like that out there, and I hate them. ;)

Brittany & Barry said...

Looks like we had similar thoughts last Saturday! Sundance was a crazy place - something must have been going on there.

I hear ya on getting (aka attempting to get)pictures of the dang little ones. Mine always turn out the same. Argh.