
Adam the Magnificent

This is what our staircase looks like when we have babies in the house. Two banana chairs turned on their ends, standing guard against small people who might climb and risk a fall back down to the hard floor at the bottom.

So when I noticed a few minutes ago that Adam was no longer playing with Drew in the kitchen, I began looking all around the downstairs for him. The banana chairs were still in place, so I had no reason to think that he might have climbed upstairs. But he was nowhere to be found. I started looking in cupboards and closets; still no Adam. Finally I heard a noise upstairs, and when I went to investigate, this is what I found:

Adam at the top of the stairs. I have no idea how he got there - like I said, the chairs were securely in place. Do you think that Houdini could have reincarnated as my son?


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

ooh I hate when you cant find one and suddenly they have figured a new escape route.

Lindsey said...

LOL! Oh, that naughty little Adam! Do you think he could have gotten some footing on the handrail bars? He is such a doll!

Wendy said...

That's too funny. Smart little guy.

And that broc/potato soup looks really good. I'll have to make it soon.