
Adam and Drew Turn One!

I remember when we first found out that we were having twins, I kept thinking, If we can just make it through the first year, we'll be OK. And here we are ... we made it! The insane double-newborn days are behind us, and now we're just having a great time with our little guys. I feel so much joy watching Adam and Drew play together and knowing that these two guys have a best friend for life, no matter what. I feel so blessed to have been trusted with two little spirits, and am so grateful to everyone who has helped us get to this point! Thanks especially to my mom, Lindsay K., and Roberta. You'll never know how much I've appreciated all that you've done for me in the last 21 months ... I never could have made it without you all.

We had a fun birthday party for the boys with our families. It was so much fun to see everyone - thanks for coming! And thanks for the gifts - all four of the kids love them.

The Brothers (They started the evening wearing adorable puffy-vests from Aunt Pennie, but you know how long babies and accessories last ...)
Adam & Drew

Digging In
Hmmm ... maybe should have had somebody move those ribbons. (Noah's Ark - two by two - get it?)
We love cake!

Too ... much ... sugar ...


Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

OH my gosh, they are too cute for words, I was dying over those costumes, jut darling!!

Lindsay K. said...

You made it! They are the cutest things. Thanks for the great party, and the great food. I'm still thinking about those pork burritos. MMMMM!!!

The Reeds said...


They look so grown up in these pictures.

Love the cake..

ottspot said...

Congratulations on surviving the year!

Lindsey said...


That cake is amazing. So creative. I would be sad to cut into it! It's cuter than the actual Noah's Arc boat that came with those toys!

Their birthday is what my (crazy) family would call their "Magical Birthday". Their first birthday on the first of the month. Yeah...we crazy like that.

romanrobertaloftus said...

Any time, Katie... You always helped me out a lot too!! We really appreciate your friendship!
Congrats on their first birthday! They are super cute!

Ashley said...

My hat goes off to you! I can't believe it's already been a year; they are so grown up! Your kids are the cutest!

Unknown said...

That is a huge accomplishment making it through the first year with twins. I'm impressed. They are so very cute. I'll get back to you about the get together with Betsy. I will have to email her again. It sounds good to me though.

Kallie said...

at least they didn't puke from the sugar overload like carter did. . . that was a super party -- thanks katie!!!

Jen and Alec said...

Happy B-day Boys! They look so much like Haley in these pictures. Do you think they will keep that cute blond hair?

TheGefrom5 said...

YOu made it! You are amazing! I love your Ark cake, sooo cute! You really are an awesome spirit to be trusted with twins and do such a fabulous job at it! :) Are you guys coming for Thanksgiving too? :)