
Flashback Friday: Crushing on Chris

Back in 1993, a certain member of Helix High School's yearbook staff had a crush on a certain member of the Varsity Soccer team. Betchya can't guess who it was! (I mean, seriously, he's only in half of the pictures.)
And while we're having a Chrisapalooza, I might as well do the "Husband Tag" I got a while back:

1. Full name: Christopher Stephen

2. How long have we been married: 9 1/2 years! I can't believe it.

3. How long did we date: We dated for five months before we got engaged. We were engaged for six looong months because we were students and wanted to get married during a semester break. (Plus, I wanted to wait for Steph to get back from her mission. I couldn't get married without Steph!)

4. Who eats the sweets: I think both of us could eat our weight in treats.

5. Who said "I love you" first: Chris. Momma taught me to always play hard-to-get. (But I would never make a move like that first, anyway.)

6. Who is taller: Chris has me by seven inches.

7. Who sings better: I might be better overall because I have more experience, but Chris has a great voice when he's not goofing off.

8. Who is smarter: Chris is smarter than I am. But I like to remind him that his ACT score was only one point higher than mine. (And I kicked his trash in the English section!)

9. Who does the laundry: When Chris was in law school and I was working full-time, he did it. Nowadays, he's the groundskeeper and I'm the maid.

10. Who pays the bills: Chris is our numbers monkey, and I'm happy to let him do it.

11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: Chris.

12. Who mows the lawn: Chris. I'd help out if we had a self-propelled mower, but I'm not about to break my back shoving around the one we have!

13. Who cooks dinner: I do. Chris can grill a mean burger, though.

14. Who drives: Ugh, Chris. I haaaaate to drive when he's in the car.

15: Who admits they are wrong: Yeah ... I'm not touching this one.

16: Who kissed who first: Chris. It was funny: afterward, he said, "I just kissed the hottest girl on this sidewalk!" So I looked left, then I looked right ... and realized that I was the only girl on that sidewalk. I can always appreciate a good zinger, so I was hooked.

17: Who asked who out first: If you ask me, we never had an official "date" because we went straight from being friends to dating. But the first time we went out as a couple was to Eric's then-girlfriend Tiff's birthday BBQ.

18: Who wears the pants: It depends. We're both pretty darn bull-headed, but I think over the years we've learned which issues the other will not back down on. So we take turns wearing the pants and wearing a skirt called "Keeping the Peace".

Don't be jealous, ladies! (If only that yearbook staffer could see him now, right?) Love you, babe!


Petersons said...

Oh...that was fun :) I didn't know Jeremy Slater worked w/ Chris. Funny.
I still remember riding in your blue VW rabbit. Should have kept it. Vintage :)

Lindsey said...

Aw...the Rabbit! I remember that...total vintage. Remember we also had twinner silver Subaru wagons?

Uh, yeah...I'd say someone had a thing for "C. Konold" and how come they couldn't just type out his whole name? Come on Helix High!

Wendy said...

I love Chris's hair in those pics. And the disco pics.

FYI - I hope you don't mind but I featured your blog on mine. IF that bugs I'll take it oof.

Jen and Alec said...

I liked the groundskeeper/maid comparison. I also haaate driving when Alec is in the car.

We can do hard things! said...

I love to read our friends blogs. We all married such comedians! How lucky are we?