
Flashback Friday: Nebulize

When I took Carter to the pediatrician for his 9-month checkup, I mentioned that Carter had been coughing at night for a few months, often hard enough to wake himself up. The doctor listened to Baby C's lungs for a minute and determined that he might be a bit asthmatic. So he sent us home with a nebulizer, a prescription for Pulmicort, and the instructions to hold a mask to Carter's face for 20 minutes a day so he could breathe in the medicinal vapors. I was not excited for this; I didn't think that C would be capable of sitting still for 20 minutes straight. But he proved me wrong! He was such a good sport; he'd sit there and open his mouth wide and suck in as much of that stuff as he could. It was pretty funny. He only needed the treatments for a month, and although doing them wasn't too bad, I wasn't sad to give that nebulizer back!If you look closely, you can see the vapors swirling around Carter's head.


Lindsey said...

Ugh. Nebulizers. However, in your case, not so bad! I have had to do that with both my kids and have never had results like that! After the first minute I kept thinking..."I have to do this for 9 more minutes???"

The only fun I had was pretending to be a robot and saying "nebulizer" in a robot voice.

I can't believe I just admitted I did that.

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

Ady always had to be on a nebulizer. Its a pain to try and get them to stay still.

Jen and Alec said...

I had almost forgotten what you look like with long hair! I feel sorry for anyone who has to nebulize their child. Adults are hard enough.

The Reeds said...

At first I was thinking: Who is that holding Carter? I love your hair though!!