
Reflecting on Wow

Haley entered some artwork in her school's Reflections contest this fall. The theme of the contest was "Wow", and Haley did a mixed media (crayons, ink, and acrylic paints) interpretation of a sunset. Her statement about the piece was, "Whenever I look outside, the trees and sky and grass look so pretty; it makes me say 'Wow'."

All of the artwork was judged by an independent panel, and this afternoon somebody from the PTA called to tell me that Haley had received an "Outstanding Achievement" award for grades K-2! (Outstanding Achievement is basically second place. There was also a top prize, the name of which I forget, and then Honorable Mention.) So the three boys and I packed up and headed to the school to see Haley receive her award during an assembly.

Here's Haley and her artwork. She was just beaming; I don't think that she'd known beforehand that she'd be winning an award. She was really pleased!Way to go, Hales!


Lindsey said...

Congratulations Haley! What great artwork! It made me definitely say "Wow!"!

Pardon me for not knowing...but is that really how you pronounce your last name?

Kate said...

Yeah. It's kuh-NOLD. But most people guess KAH-nuld or some variation of that. Don't worry, you're definitely not the first to not know how to pronounce it!

Lindsay K. said...

Way to go Haley!!! We all loved the picture!

We can do hard things! said...

So, cute! They dont have anything like reflections here in good ol' Idaho! We are such hicks!!!