

Me (during one of her tantrums): Haley, quit acting like a baby.
Haley: What about Carter? Carter acts like a baby.
Me: We're not talking about Carter right now. We're talking about you.
Haley: Oh, OK then: my favorite color is blue; my favorite animal is a cat; I like Littlest Pet Shops ...

What a little smart mouth!


Unknown said...

hahaha. She's adorable and a stinker!

Lindsey said...

Oh dear me. That little chickiemonkey.

The Edwards Family said...

How did our little ones get to be so quick and so smart. I swear I don't know where half of the stuff Sadie says comes from. I often stop and have to secretly smile to myself at how fast of a come back she comes up with. Kids!

Jen and Alec said...

Good job Haley--way to distract and divert. Have you considered a job in the legal fields?

Andy & Jennica Weeks said...

Kids say the funniest thing...I am glad you wrote this one down, it's a keeper! =)

Heather said...

Hello Katie!
I got your Christmas card today, It was soo cute! Thanks!!! Maybe you'll get one from us,,if I can ever make it to the post office.I swear I avoid that place with my kids at all cost.. anyway.
Thanks again, I LOVED your family picture!

We can do hard things! said...

Girls...they are such drama queens, arent they?