
Ain't No Mountain High Enough

Chris was a climber. According to his mom, Chris used to climb onto everything as a small child: the tables, the counter, the top of the refrigerator. When Pat told me these things, I thought Boy, I hope that none of my kids are climbers. And I almost made it, but it turns out that my very last baby is my climber. My own fearless, crazy, determined climber.

This evening I fed the twins, got them down from their high chairs, and then stepped into the lavatory for no more than two minutes. I emerged to find Drew sitting on top of the kitchen table, shoving marbles from our marble chase game into his mouth as quickly as he could. I snatched Drew from his precarious perch, dug all of the marbles out of his mouth, (six marbles in his mouth, people. Six!) placed him on the floor, and said, "No, Drew." Then I got the camera and hid behind the staircase banister, because I know how determined Drew is to do what he wants. He didn't disappoint.


Christa said...

This was hilarious. I can totally see Greta doing the same thing . I found her yesterday standing on a kitchen chair reaching a long long way for something on the table. I didn't even know she could climb onto a chair and made my own video of her doing it.

Jennica said...

Boys...will be boys! Nice to see you are still using your water cup from the hospital ( I thought I was the only one who used mine so long). =)

Lindsey said...

Oh ho! That is so funny. You might want to keep an eye out at diaper changes....just in case there were seven marbles. Just sayin'. I did love how he appeared to be super cautious, keeping a watch out for you and wondering if anyone was going to say "no, no Drew!" So cute.

JamieM. said...

That was so funny. Kids are so determined! Thanks for sharing!

Chrissy said...

Sorry to say, that is pretty funny! It's easy to see it that way when it is not your child. I never had a "climber" and for that I am very grateful! So I am sorry, like you don't have your hands full enough!

Aubri said...

OH boy! Let's hope that he uses his twin powers for good and doesn't teach his brother how to do that! :)

Wendy said...

I can't believe he had 6 marbles in his mouth. Scary! I too hope I never have a climber.

TheGefrom5 said...

That was great!! Good thinking to catch him in the act! And good luck with him...my "climber" just got out of his 2nd cast...

We can do hard things! said...

Why do you think he started crying when he got on the chair? I love that he is not even phased by the fact that you are suddenly there!

Petersons said...

Stop scaring me! Aaaahhh! I'm scared.

Unknown said...

Umm, you let him eat the marbles. . . enough said. :) Did I ever tell you the story about Rachel swallowing a quarter? We still have the x-ray.

Anonymous said...

Katie very entertaining you need to put it on America's funniest video. We once found our Jackie on top of the fridge.