
Catching Up

I've been so bad lately. Here's a quick look at what the kids are up to these days:

Haley is back in soccer. I don't really have anything to say about soccer that I haven't already said. She still loves to play and refuses to let the boys bully her - she gets right in there!

Carter is in the midst of birthday celebrations. We had a party with his friends on Saturday, then a family party on Sunday, he's taking treats to preschool tomorrow, and then finally his birthday comes on Wednesday. He's going to be tired of his birthday by the time it actually gets here!Adam falls asleep in his high chair about twice a week. If I don't serve lunch promptly at 12:00 noon, he just can't make it long enough to finish his food! He has started shaking his head "no" but still doesn't say anything. He loves to give hugs and is a good little stander, but will only take one step here and there.
Drew is such a bully! Don't let his sweet smile fool you - he even picks on Carter if the mood strikes him. He climbs onto and into everything; I'm just waiting for him to break a drawer because he always climbs into them. I think he says "Mama", but I'm not really sure because he says it like "Mamamama". He took three steps once, but that was it!
So, that's it in a nutshell. Someday I'll have Photoshop back, and my brain back, and then I'll get back in the blogger saddle!


Unknown said...

It's hard to keep up. I know. I had to make a new years goal to blog once a week just so my blog doesn't die. Ben used to fall asleep in his high chair all the time. It makes for cute pics anyway. Funny how different personalities of the twins are. Oh and your Christmas card was really cute. At least your that on the ball. I don't think I have ever sent out a Christmas Card even though every year I say I will. Anyway, i always look at your blog so keep it up.

Chrissy said...

Very cute photos! I'd let my kids fall asleep,then I wouldn't have to make lunch! Out of all three meals, lunch is my least favorite to make. If I had my choice when my kids were little I would go out to lunch everyday. Even now, every Sat I take my girls out to lunch, nothing fancy, but I refuse to make sandwiches!!! I guess I'm just lazy!

Jennica said...

They are all growing up so fast! Is it just me or do the twins look like your dad...which would mean they look like you! =)

romanrobertaloftus said...

Haley is such a great player... Tatyana is really happy to be in her team! And thanks for inviting Caleb to Carter's birthdat party. He had a blast! He wanted to go back to your house afterwards...

Lindsey said...

Oh, sweet Adam! That is hilarious!!

We can do hard things! said...

Sounds like my life...chaos, crazy chaos!