
My Big Boy

When did this guy:turn into this guy?Oh, I have so much trouble not getting nostalgic on birthdays. My Baby C. turned four today! And although I can make myself really sad by thinking about the baby that he was, I can't mourn those days for long because I'm having so much fun with the little guy he's become. He's my chameleon: one minute he's Batman (yes, still),
the next he's Master Monkey,
and on rare, special occasions, he's Carter.It's fun to see him emulating Haley and learning how to be a big kid from her. He is starting to take care of his little brothers, to play with them, and to help them out when they need a hand. I'm so excited to see what this year holds for Little C.

Happy birthday to my Carter!


Jennica said...

He is all boy...don't you love it! I know what you mean about getting emotional, but loving every minute. =)

Lindsey said...

Oh Happy Birthday Carter!

Look at that newborn picture...his mouth! I love it!

Chrissy said...

They grow so fast. It's so sad...I love the baby stage!!! Why can't they smell sweet like that forever? I too get emotional as I see my children grow older! I just posted Alex's 14th bday yesterday!

Lindsay K. said...

Happy Birthday Carter! We love you!!

Wendy said...

Happy birthday Carter! I always forget that our boys have the same birthday. I've realized as a mom that our kid's birthdays are so much more meaningful cause we actually remember their day o' birth.

Jen and Alec said...

I can't believe he is four! I remember you holding him in church as a newborn. He is such a handsome kid.

We can do hard things! said...

Look at how little Hayley is and those pudgy baby cheeks! I love to look back at all of my kids cheeks when they were between 2&3 years old...so cute! I love those jammies...I had the same ones for Jacob and Curtis. They were my favorite!