
Party Like It's 1989

We just couldn't resist. When Chris and I heard on the radio that Vanilla Ice and MC Hammer would be playing together for one night only - in Orem! - we knew we had to be there.

The show was billed as an 1989 dance party, and everybody was encouraged to dress accordingly. So I dressed like the year was '89, and I'm not sure but I think Chris dressed like he was 89. The funny thing is that this is an outfit that I actually wore when I was 13 and Ice & Hammer were battling it out. That t-shirt is my dad's and I used to steal it all the time. I thought it was so sweet with its huge neon surf shop logo on the back!

I have to be honest - I wasn't sure what to expect from Vanilla Ice. We all know how crass Mr. Van Winkle can be, and last I heard, he didn't even want to be "Vanilla Ice" anymore. But he completely exceeded my expectations and put on a great show. Even the creepy clown who did nothing but throw bottles of water over the crowd wasn't so bad. At least the water was refreshing!

MC Hammer, however, gets a "Boo" from me. Supposedly he was bringing a full choir and 24 dancers to back him up. Instead, he showed up with nothing but an empty stage and what seemed to be some kids he rounded up from his neighborhood to come and dance for him. Even more lame: everyone cleared off the stage and the lights went black for several minutes in between each song. (I just recorded the jumbotron this time because I couldn't see a darn thing.)

All in all, though, it was a fun night. Now I just hope my ears will eventually stop ringing!


Lindsey said...


I was going to ask if your shirt was a "Local Motion" shirt or maybe even a "Sex Wax" shirt...and where did you get those Keds? Chris looks super sweet, kinda like he's going to a Jimmy Buffet concert.

Funny story...our local radio station was giving away tickets to that concert last week. The only catch was the winners had to get themselves to Magna. Callers would call up and be like "Magna? Utah? Wwhhhyyy?" I guess Gainesville was one of Ice's first shows.

We can do hard things! said...

I especially love your hair-do with the pink scrunchie. I would bet that we could drag up some awesome pictures of us looking just as you do in this picture! It took me back..so hilarious!

Jen and Alec said...

Sweet outfits! You are totally Knarley (spell?). Looks like a great way to spend time together and to get back to your roots.

HeatherK said...

I love it Katie!!! you guys looked so good! I wish we could have been there.. sounds like you guys had so much fun!

Wendy said...

Love it. You're right, Chris looks like he's dressed up as an old geezer. Looks like fun!

TheGefrom5 said...

That was soo much fun! You looked iconic. Straight out of my yearbook. :) It was great to see you guys:)