
For Sale

I'm sad to say that our home is for sale. This would be a lot less bittersweet if we were unhappy in our current location, but the truth is we love our home and our friends here. Still, we always meant this to be our starter home, and we've come to the point that 1800 square feet can no longer comfortably contain all of us.

As I look around me now, I'm flooded with memories that have taken place here. All three of our boys were born during our time here. We blessed Carter right in this very room. Almost every milestone our children have reached have happened within these walls. And yet I have to remind myself that "home" is not the house in which you live, but is anyplace where you are with your family. Our new home will see plenty of milestones, and we'll make many more happy memories there, too.

So, if you know anybody who could use a much-loved four bedroom home, send them our way. Just tell them not to mind my tears when they stop by!


The Edwards Family said...

Ok, I'm totally sad now after reading your blog. Good luck in selling your home, we'll miss you guys.

romanrobertaloftus said...

You guys can't move!!! We're all going to be so sad... I hope everything goes well and I can totally understand why you want to move. Our house is too small for us also and we have less people in our family. Good luck!

Have you found a house yet??

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

oh, i know how you feel. I had a hard time living our provo home, where we had our first kiss, got engaged, broght our kids home from the hospital. Etc. Its hard ot say good bye to place with so many memories.

Jen and Alec said...

Oh, I know just how you feel. We were so sad to sell our house. It was a great neighborhood! Are you guys staying in the area? Have you already picked out another house?

Chrissy said...

Good Luck! I hate moving, too much work. But it does force you to de-junk!

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

Oh this makes me sad. I hate seeing people I become friends with move! I understand too. We weren't planning on being here even as long as we have been. Where are you looking to move?

Jess said...

Oh man! Bummer for me, I love talking with you... but kind of cool for you guys. Moving has so many mixed emotions. I guess that is like most of life that involves endings and beginnings. I hope things work out great for you guys!

Kristan Carter said...

Oh I am was so sad when I saw the sign...I don't blame you though...I am sure your house is getting crowded...We can still stay blogging friends...Where are you looking to move?