

It's remarkable how strongly you can feel the Spirit of Peace when the veil is thin. As I held my grandmother's hand this past Friday and said goodbye, the sense of peace in her home was so strong that I could not feel sad for our loss, but only thankful for the blessings that the gospel promises. Thinking of the excitement that my Grandpa must have felt in knowing that his sweetheart would soon be with him again, and knowing that Grandma would soon find rest after a long and faithful life brought a feeling of gladness to my heart. How can anyone fear death when it brings such happiness to the one passing to the other side?

As I have reflected back over my grandmother's life this weekend, I feel such gratitude for the example that she set for me. She raised seven children almost by herself, as my grandpa was very often away for business or church. She taught her children the importance of family and of faith. She served a full-time mission to Africa. And in spite of the demands on her time throughout her life, she saved some for herself, earning a bachelor's degree and pursuing the creative arts that enriched and blessed us all. And because her blood courses through my veins, I feel as if I too can find the strength to be both a good mother and also a well-rounded person. I'm thankful for this legacy.

I'm so thankful to know that life does not end when the body wears out. I'm grateful for the peace that this knowledge brings. And I'm grateful to know that so many of those whom I love are together on the other side, waiting to welcome the rest of us in our own due time. I'm grateful to my grandparents for teaching these truths to their son, who in turn taught them to me. The gospel truly is peace.


ottspot said...

Sorry to hear about your grandma. I think the saddest thing when my grandma passed away last fall was how much she would have loved to go back and be young and carefree and adventuresome again. When people are so full of life it seems kind of unfair for them to be stuck in such uncooperative bodies for so many years! Your grandma reminds me of mine. Sweet post.

HeatherK said...

I LOVE that picture of your grandparents, that is priceless!!! You look like her a little. I'm sorry to hear your news.. I loved reading your post and feeling grateful for my family and the knowledge of what awaits us in the next life.

Lindsey said...

Kate, that was such a beautiful post. I am sorry for you, that you will miss her but, I too, am so thankful for joyeous reunions on the other side.

That is such a great picture. And yes, you do look so much like her!

Jen and Alec said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Grandmother and to the doctrine of eternal families. I can definitely see some of your features in her lovely face.

Unknown said...

Sorry Kate. I think you are right though. I am sure your grandpa was waiting with open arms to see her. Sorry I am such a poor blogger friend lately. 10 more weeks and I will be a stay at home mom again. At least for the summer.

romanrobertaloftus said...

It's hard to see them leave, but it's conforting to know that we'll see them again. I'm sorry about your grandma... Love the picture and the post!

Lindsey said...

Just wanted to let you know that I read your Grandma's beautifully written obituary! What a wonderful life she had!

Kate said...

Thanks for your sweet comments, everyone. I love you all!

TheGefrom5 said...

I ams o sorry to hear about your loss, Katie. What a sweet, peaceful dedication you wrote about her. SHe seemed liked an amazing woman. I am not surprised that you are her granddaughter. You sound like you have a lot of her in you,and looking at that picture, you look SOOOOOO mcuh like her, its unreal!

Best wishes to you and your family at this time. Take care!

Chrissy said...

I love that picture. It sounds like your grandma was an amazing woman. Thanks for sharing!

Laurie said...

You do have her blood, many talents, gifts, beautiful looks, and sweet spirit running through your veins. Thank you for the tender tribute. I felt that same peace, and am so grateful for my knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. I love you, Sweetie.

Jess said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings Katie. It is amazing the peaceful feeling that surrounds those leaving this life. The veil is so thin... it's a precious experience.