

Today is our tenth anniversary! I can't believe that it's been ten years. When we were engaged, I used to look forward and try to imagine what life would be like when our tenth anniversary rolled around. And suddenly, here we are. Crazy.

I don't really remember much about our wedding ceremony, except that our sealer told us that he felt that the spirits who would be our children were there with us. Now when I think about that it makes me laugh, because if our kids were anything as spirits like they are as kids, I know exactly how that whole scene would have gone!

Another thing that I remember about ten years ago was thinking that I was more in love then than I would ever be for the rest of my life. Marriage and kids may have changed us, but I've found that my love has grown stronger with every passing year. For that I am so grateful. I love you, Chris! Happy tenth.


romanrobertaloftus said...

Happy aniversary!! 10 years is a long time... You and Chris still look the same. Congratulations!

Lindsey said...

Congratulations Kate and Chris! Hope you guys were able to go out and do something fun!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations. The sad thing about this is imagining how fast the next ten years will go and that we will be in our 40's when we hit that point. Happy Anniversary. Any news on your house plans?

Unknown said...

congrats! we're coming up on nine - it is sooo wierd! (p.s. look at what a hottie you were/are =) - Chris lucked out!

Jen and Alec said...

Congratulations! We're hitting 10 in December, but I don't know if I will be putting my engagement pic up. Is that your engagement pic or a current pic? It was too hard to tell.

Anna said...

(p.s. oops, that's me, Anna, not "josh", hehe)

Reed's Rat Race said...

Congratulations! This blog made me a little misty, I must admit.