
Summer's Last Hurrah

We took the kids on one last summer outing last week to Discovery Gateway. They had a blast. Haley gravitated toward the make-believe areas, shopping in the market and playing letter-carrier,
while Carter loved pretending to fly the Life Flight chopper.
Adam and Drew found Heaven on earth in the water area, sending ping-pong balls down the streams over and over and over again. It was really fun to spend a last day together as a family before the school year begins. Things are about to get crazy around here: twice-daily drives to and from school and preschool, weekly piano lessons and play dates, four soccer games a week ... summer, I miss you already!
(Wish I'd used a flash ...)


ottspot said...

Awesome! You'll be good at it. I wouldn't know enough about sports to be coherent!

Unknown said...

Congrats on the new job! Your new house is looking AMAZING already too. I am shamed to admit that I trespassed and checked out the inside. :) It's so HUGE!

Lindsay K. said...

New Job!?! Sounds exciting. You sound like one busy momma though. Your house is looking amazing! We've walked through it couple of times, it's fun to see everything happening.

Lindsay K. said...

Can't wait for soccer. There will be lots of laughs!

Unknown said...

I am sad summer is over so soon too. It sounds like you will have a busy year ahead. I can't wait to read your first entry in the herald. You will have to give me a heads up since I don't get the paper and I would not normally read the sports section.