
Deez Nuts (and Other Cruisin' Tales)

Chris and I spent last week in the Eastern Caribbean with eleven of his coworkers and their guests. We had such a great time. Thanks Chris, for working so hard and earning cool trips!
Puerto RicoWe were exploring an old military fort in San Juan when we happened upon this hermit crab. The entire time Chris was holding that crab, the ornery little cuss was pinching the life out of Chris' fingers, which Haley informs me hermit crabs don't usually do. So finally Chris put the crab down on this cement wall, the other side of which dropped down 30 feet into a stair well. I'm not kidding: the second that crab's legs touched the cement, it made a bee-line for the other side and threw itself over the edge. Maybe we weren't the first ones to force it into a photo op that day? Whatever the reason, that crab had had enough. RIP, little guy.Aruba
CuracaoOn Board Chris and his coworkers took part in the various sports tournaments on the ship. Their dodge ball team, appropriately named "Deez Nuts", took first place. I've never been more proud.

DominicaNo matter how thirsty you are, and no matter how many times your tour guide tells you that the spring water is pure, don't drink it. Ever. Never, ever, ever. Because if you do, you might spend the next day praying for death. Trust me on this one.St. Thomas


Kallie said...

so fun. what else can i say -- i'm jeal.

Lindsay K. said...

Ohhh, it looks like you guys had the best time! I love all the pics. Wish we could have been there with you guys.

Becky Bean said...

You are so gosh darn cute! I'm glad y'all had fu!

Becky Bean said...


Petersons said...

Looks like fun! And you look HOT in your swimsuit :)

Lindsey said...

Those are beautiful pictures! What a fun trip! I'm so glad you guys got to do that.

Love the pic of the rearview mirror! It's my favorite. :)

ottspot said...


Unknown said...

Praying for death huh. That sounds bad. But the rest of the trip looked like fun. I also love your swim suit. I have had the same boring black swim suit for like five years. I really need a new one. Where did you get yours

Unknown said...

Hey, by the way, have you heard of a new little magazine called Knowonder. It could have been you that connected me to it on facebook. Anyway, they accept articles and stories from people. How is your newspaper job going?

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

wow. looks amazing. I would say you have earned it.

Chrissy said...

looks like lots of fun and i'm way jealous!!!

Wendy said...

That looks like tons of fun! And your house is looking great. Can't wait to see the finished product. And I'm sure you're feeling the same. :)

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