
Gettin' Out of Dodge

...or Utah. We spent another splendid Thanksgiving in San Diego last week. I'm afraid that I can't do the trip justice in words since a certain 2-year-old allowed me only three hours of sleep last night, so I'll just post pictures. But trust me, we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!

"The Polar Express" in 4D at Sea World. Somehow they made the theater smell like hot chocolate during the hot chocolate scene. Freakin' amazing.Terrorizing stingrays La Jolla Shores at (very) high tide. Our favorite beach was under about 20 feet of water, which was a bummer. Aerobee in the parkSan Diego TempleChris & the big kids creeping toward their doomPolar bearSea World's baby pit. I think the twins could play in there all day.Pick-up basketball at Thanksgiving dinner. And by pick-up, I mean "Mom, pick me up over and over again so I can shoot baskets."The kids swam in the jacuzzi for about two hours even though it was only 50 degrees outside. It allowed us to watch most of the BYU-Utah game in peace, so that was awesome.Thanks again to Steve and Pat for having us. We miss you already!

P.S. I posted pictures of our (almost) finished house over at the other blog for anyone who might be interested!


Kallie said...

man you sure know how to cram a bunch of fun stuff in. i'm afraid i have no fun pics to show from my holiday. (not that it wasn't fun, maybe i am a bad documenter)

*Brett and Lacey* said...

Hey Katie I would love to see your other blog. morrislacey@hotmail.com

Lindsey said...

I am so glad that you guys got to get away and go have fun in the sunshine. I am also amazed at how much SeaWorld has apparently grown, what with all the rides and kiddie attractions! Orlando's SeaWorld should take note...we ain't got that stuff yet!

Petersons said...

sounds so fun! Man that fb game was good! I forgot how much I LOVE the San Diego temple. It's my favorite!

ottspot said...

We saw the Polar Express 3d movie at the San Antonio Sea World last week...but it did not smell like chocolate. There were just random bursts of air. Maybe they were supposed to smell like chocolate. That would make a lot more sense.

ottspot said...

And 10 days till you're back home! Wow!

Chrissy said...

Wow!!! So jealous! Sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving!!!