
We're Baaack

Whew! That might have been my longest dry spell ever. Sometimes I think that I blog too much and that people must be tired of me. But then I think, well, I'm not really forcing anyone to visit my blog. I remind myself that I am doing this for my kids so that someday their future spouses can waste far too many hours slogging through every second of their beloveds' childhood.

So, here's what we've been up to:
1. Packing.
2. Spending $96 to have our 80,000 lb. piano moved by professionals. Totally worth it.
3. Moving all the rest of our worldly possessions into my parents' garage.
4. Loading all of our worldly possessions into a moving truck. In the snow.
5. Unloading all of our worldly possessions into our new garage. In the snow.
6. Unpacking.
7. Trying to figure out the best places to put all of this stuff.
8. Frantically trying to get up all of the Christmas decorations before it's time to take them down again.
9. Considering trying to get out neighbor gifts and Christmas cards. Thinking better of it. (Sorry, neighbors and usual Christmas card recipients. We still love you.)
10. Hooking up far too many electronic doohickeys. Putting together far too much furniture.
11. Making about 60 trips to Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe's, Macy's, and Bed Bath & Beyond. Tripling the GNP in the process.
12. Standing in a six-mile Christmas line at the Post Office for the key to our mailbox. With the twins.
13. Realizing yesterday that the Christmas shopping is not quite done. Panicking.
14. Climbing the walls, running, yelling, screaming, nearly wetting ourselves with excitement. (The kids, not me. Except the yelling part.)
15. Staying in our pajamas until noon every day. Still waiting for the blinds to be delivered and installed. Sorry, neighbors.
16. Enjoying Haley's first ever piano recital. On moving day, no less. Loving Haley's teacher, Aunt Kallie, for being the kindest, most patient teacher ever. Thank you. (We can't find the USB for our camera, so I can't post videos yet. But you can see Kallie's pictures here.)
17. Collapsing into bed in exhaustion every single night.
18. Feeling happy to finally be home.


Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

Wow you have done a lot! Seriously call me if you need any help. hope it finally slows down for you and have a merry Christmas!!

Unknown said...

wow...now I'm tired just from reading all that. :) Hope you get all settled and have a very Merry Christmas!

Chrissy said...


Lindsey said...

Wow. Such a busy, crazy time of year anyway and then to top it off with a big move? I don't know how you guys did it. Hope you guys have a great 1st Christmas in the new, beautiful house!!!

ottspot said...

Okay I want the name of your piano mover! When we brought our piano home they quoted me $85 or something and then charged me over $120...they counted the little lip between the doorstep and the front door as an extra "step" on our house and the house it came from and tacked on an extra $20 for each of those "steps"! And 3 keys haven't worked right since they moved it. But luckily the "receipt" they handed me to sign also waived my right to claim any damages. Even though I had to sign it before they even brought it in the house. Shady.

And I know you wanted to be in earlier, but how fun to get a new house for Christmas!

Unknown said...

I am hoping to come down on Thursday to hang out with my sister. I thought I might be able to come by and see you and your new castle. :)

Kate said...

Steph - yes! Come over!