
In a Galaxy Far, Far Away ...

My buddy turned five yesterday. Five! I don't believe it. Carter had been asking for a surprise party for several months, and I was so happy that we were able to pull it off for him. I couldn't bear to let him think that he wasn't having a party at all, so I told him that his party would be on Saturday. He was pretty bummed about that! All morning yesterday he kept saying, "So today is the day that nobody comes over and Saturday is the day that everybody comes over." So sad! But it was all worth this reaction:
After the big surprise we headed into the game room for a session of our own Jedi Training Academy.The young Padawans completed many tasks, including building a spaceship,
Using the Force to pin stars on the Star Wars heroes (every single kid except Haley peeked, which was pretty funny),
Learning to use a Blaster to shoot at the Rebels' number one target,(Thanks to Chris for drawing the Vader and Academy posters!)
And finally throwing some fierce Jedi moves as they trained with their Light Sabers.
After the Padawans completed their training, they took a Jedi oath and then celebrated their new status as Jedi Knights with some cake and ice cream. This was probably my favorite party yet, not because of anything we did but because we had such a great bunch of kids who really got into it! Thanks to everybody who helped make Carter's day so special! And now for your viewing pleasure, we'll leave you with some Jedi-style interpretive dance:


Lindsay K. said...

You always throw the funnest parties! The girls are still talking about it.

Chrissy said...

what a good mom you are!!!! looks like fun

Lindsey said...

Dang! I can't look at the videos for some reason! That looks like such a great party and by the sounds of it, C was able to have a good surprise! Ahh, Star Wars....my pregnancy insomnia has thrown me into a Star Wars craze that I can't escape. I am now a total Star Wars "junkie"....only 30 years late.

Happy Birthday Carter!

lisa said...

it looks like everyone had a blast! that last video of carter's moves made me laugh so hard i had to watch it a couple times... ok, maybe more than a couple :)

romanrobertaloftus said...

I love Carter's reaction! He was really surprised! You did such a great job!

Jen and Alec said...

Our little padawans would get along so well! We also did the Jedi Training academy idea and the kids loved it!

Grandma Pat said...

Hope you had a happy birthday, Carter! I wish we could have been there with you, but thank you, Katie, for sharing the day with us on the blog.

Love from the long-distance Grandma.