Because Joey lived on Cape Cod, I only saw him three times during his life. The second of these visits came in 2003. At the time, I hadn't seen Joey since I was 15 and Joey was three, before his MPS symptoms had begun to appear, before anyone knew that anything was wrong. I am embarrassed to admit that I was nervous to see him. I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't sure how to act. I was afraid that I would inadvertently say something stupid, which I tend to do.
I was feeding 15-month-old Haley lunch when Joey came home from his school that first day. I heard his bus pull into the driveway, and was feeling a bit apprehensive as I listened to my aunt bringing him onto the porch. But the most extraordinary thing happened. The second that Joey's wheelchair crossed the threshold of the home, I was hit by the strength of his spirit so forcefully that I stopped with Haley's spoon mid-air. I had never felt anything like it. I felt the immense love that Heavenly Father had for this special son and the strength of the love between Joey and his mom. I knew in that instance that I was in the presence of one of the great ones. I knew that Joey had so proven himself before this life that he came to earth not to be tested, but to teach. And I knew that I was privileged to be in his presence.
I am so grateful to have known Joey. I wish that we hadn't grown up so far apart. I am in awe of my Auntie, of her strength, of her selflessness, of her capacity to love. I can imagine that she must have often felt alone during her years of caring for Joey, but I want her to know that I watched, I knew, and I will never forget. And though my heart grieves today for the sweet family that Joey left behind, I rejoice in knowing that his spirit is free from the limits of his body, that he is right now with our Grandpa on the other side. I like to think that they are laughing together and having all of the conversations that they couldn't have on earth. I look forward to the day when I can join them and tell Joey all of these things, and thank him for blessing my life.
so sorry to hear about Joey...
Oh Katie. What a touching tribute to your sweet cousin, and to his amazing mother as well!
Katie that was so beautiful. Everyone here is touched beyound words. I love you.
I am sure he inspired many lives. God puts many people here for that purpose.
On a totally unrelated note, I searched, found, and bought the Samoa Ice Cream. It was delicious and worth the three grocery stores I had to go search to find it. :)
Well- said indeed! I wish I could have had the opportunity to meet him here.
Katie, your gift of words has always amazed and entertained me ~ now, they have touched my very heart and soul ~ this is such a tribute to the love of Joey and love from Joey ~ thank you, thank you, thank you ~ I love you, Katie, as does Joey ~ priscilla
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