
The Well-Oiled One

You know that old saying about the squeaky wheel getting oiled? Well let me tell you, nowhere is that saying truer than at our house. This guy? He squeaks. And then he gets food, or a game, or a friend to come play.These guys definitely squeak. Squeak, squeak, squeak! And then I have to break up a fight over a toy, or build a train track, or try to figure out what they want out of the pantry.But my Haley? She doesn't squeak. Haley is a well-oiled machine. In fact, I'm pretty sure I couldn't survive without Haley. If I was in a beauty pageant (snort) and the judges asked me my wish for the world, I wouldn't say world peace. I'd say, "I wish every mother on the planet could have a Haley Konold."
Haley recently won first prize in her school's art show with her drawing entitled "The Great Taj Mahal". But I'm proud of her for more than her accomplishments. I'm proud of the girl she's becoming. She is responsible, motivated, kind, and generous. She shows love freely and puts the needs and wants of others before her own. She's funny and smart and just a great girl. I can't wait to spend more time with her as she gets older. Because it's nice to hang out with somebody who isn't squeaking at me all the time.


ottspot said...

Mothers need daughters that is for sure!

Lindsey said...

Your younger three may be squeaky but by dang if they aren't the cutest boys!

As for Haley, I've met her only once but she IS the sweetest, kindest girl. That's all it took for me to love her, and her beautiful hair and sparkly eyes. And she is quite the artist, too. I distinctly remember loving the beach portrait she did a while back! :)

Lindsay K. said...

She really is soooo sweet! My girls love her.

Good job Haley!

Petersons said...

Man...my Avery is not well oiled! Ha ha! She's worried about this girl that maybe doesn't like her...or how something is not fair...blah blah.
I swear she's done a 360 in attitude this year!
If you lived closer, I'd make Avery go play w/ the sweet little perfect girl down the street and see if she can learn a thing or two!