
Devils and Angels

Today we baptized Haley into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (pictures forthcoming). Adam and Drew ran up and down the halls of the church, screaming all the way. Then they ran laps around the waiting room, screaming all the way. Then they ran laps around the Relief Society room, screaming all the way, while our sweet bishop tried to conduct the meeting as if nothing was happening.

Then I stood up to give my talk, and Adam and Drew pitched a fit and pushed on my bottom to get me to sit back down while I tried to concentrate on what I was trying to say. Then my sweet brothers took Adam and Drew out into the hallway so I could speak, and Adam and Drew pitched an even bigger fit and we could hear them screaming from behind the closed door. Then the baptismal font was opened, and Adam and Drew pitched a fit because they wanted to jump into the font and play in the water. And so it continued during Lindsay's talk, Haley's confirmation, and our bishop's closing remarks. When the service was over, my brother said, "Now I know what you go through all day, every day."

We came home and I put Adam and Drew down for a nap, grateful to have some peace and quiet. I sat down at the computer to prepare my lesson for church tomorrow, but instead got distracted by the blog of a mother who recently lost her baby boy. I cried and cried for her. And when I heard my little monsters awaken from their nap, I went upstairs and hugged them and cried and cried, because I'm just so grateful that they're here.


Jessica and Reece said...

I literally SOB every time I read that blog. I can't even imagine experiencing that kind of pain. It's a great reminder to cling to what what we have, huh? And those devils of yours are awfully adorable :)

romanrobertaloftus said...

The truth is that kids don't really bother us with their screaming and running around unless they are ours. I fell your pain... But just remember that it really wasn't that bad! You're a great mom and I cried the whole time during the baptism! I can't believe these girls are 8!

ottspot said...

Oy. My kids are vaccinated, but that blog made me think I need to check on how many vaccines I need to go get updated. So sad.

And my word verification is "racist." Thanks a lot blogger.

Unknown said...

How fun. Ben will get baptized in August. It is crazy he is so old. Congrats Haley.