It all began in November when I took the boys in for their 2-year checkup. Their doctor asked me how many words they spoke, to which I replied, "less than five." I had already been concerned, but my anxiety level went through the roof when the doctor told me that they should be speaking 50 - 200 words. He began asking all sorts of questions that I recognized as autism markers. Once that was ruled out, he recommended that the boys begin working with speech therapists.
In the four months since then, we have had twice-monthly sessions with speech therapists, who play with the boys and then give me all sorts of advice on things that I should be doing with them to help increase their vocabulary. And while their advice is good and helpful, I can't help but hear, "You don't spend enough time with the boys. If you did these things, they would talk. This is all your fault." I have had more nervous breakdowns in these four months than I care to admit, and have been enjoying some awesome physical manifestations of stress, including blistering rashes on my palms that are just delightful.
The point in sharing all this is to help you understand why today was so momentous. The TV was on while I was getting Adam dressed this morning, and a character on the show asked, "What shape is this suitcase?" To which Adam replied:

We should chat. I've been going through this with Deacon since he was 2 also.
word and knowledge all in the same moment. . . 2 birds with one stone -- way to go adam!
Sometimes experts are not that much help. Sorry you have been so stressed. Your awesome. Don't be so hard on yourself. Love you!
I am sure as a mother you are totally stressed...But my grandma said once,kids do things when they are ready...and eventually they all catch up. My little cousin didn't talk till she was like 4 and now she is 8 and you would never have know it...Hang in there girl...
Katie, try not to stress (if that's still possible as a mom?). All of my boys had speech delays and didn't talk until age 3, except Cooper. Speech therapy does help alot though. Don't blame yourself. Boys are slower at everything. :)
I think I told you this before, but my little sisters (twins) didn't talk at all except in some babble language that only they understood. Then one day they busted out in full sentences. And I began all words with the "d" sound until sometime after I started school. And regardless of how it plays out, your kids are happy, loved, and well-cared for which means you're a great mom! Less stress. More chocolate.
I have several friends with kids in the same boat, and they are all catching up now that they are between 3-4. It is good you are in speech, that is helpful, but as Alec, the School Psychologist told my friends, if they are developmentally appropriate otherwise, which the twins clearly are, then don't overstress about it. If Rectangle is the first word, I think you are going to be just fine.
Don't stress out Katie. You're a fantastic Mom! Amber walked at 9 months...Jill didn't until 12 months. Jill talked much sooner than Amber did. Each child grows at their own pace...relax and enjoy the journey.
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