
This is Halloween

Good idea: sewing your kids' Halloween costumes.  Bad idea: sewing your kids' Halloween costumes when you don't know how to sew.

That's right.  I had intended to learn to sew for several years and decided to teach myself by sewing Haley's and Carter's costumes.  Carter's Jedi costume?  Easy.  Done in one evening.  Haley's Alice in Wonderland costume?  Not so much.
 Here's me: "I'll just buy a pattern for a princess dress and alter it.  It'll be easy!" Well, three sleep-deprived weeks later I finally finished.  The low point came the week before Halloween when I slept for only four hours one night and pulled an all-nighter the next.  And then that evening we took the kids on a Halloween haunted cruise and I was the scariest of all the zombies there.

The finished products:

This was about the best shot of Adam & Drew we got.  The elders were far too busy preaching the gospel to stop and pose for a picture!

We had a nice time at our ward Halloween party where Haley won the "My Mom Stayed Up All Night" prize for her costume and Drew won a massive cupcake at the cake walk.
We carved pumpkins,

... and tried to brave the monsoon to go trick-or-treating.  We made it to the house across the street before we gave up and went trick-or-treating at the mall instead.  After about an hour the rain stopped so we were able to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood, and Alice ran into her friend the Mad Hatter.

All said, we had a fun Halloween.  But next year I'm going to start sewing costumes in August!


Jenny said...

Excellent job, Katie! Halloween costumes is basically the only sewing I do every year, but I've learned a lot that way & it can be fun when it's not frantic. Mine was frantic this year, too...between my back problems & a trip, my mom had to finish up for me.

Lindsey said...

Ah, yes. I would like to go ahead and commission you to make Scarlett and Lucia the Queen of Hearts costume and the White Queens costume.

Seriously though, you amaze me. I'm jealous. And I have a hard time believing that you don't know how to sew. "Sew" not believing that one! haha

Ryan and Lindsay said...

The costumes looked great. The kids looked great. Everything turned out great. You are super mom and I want to pattern my "mom skills" after you! :)

Kallie said...

i agree. costumes were awesome. and i like your hair in your zombie picture. also, i hope carter was safe in that extra large life jacket... ;)

Jen and Alec said...

Totally worth it! They look fantastic. I'm so impressed that you tackled this with no sewing experience!