
Three Squared

I can vividly remember that car ride home from the hospital after Adam and Drew were born.  Haley and Carter had been bumped from their seats in the second row of our minivan back to the third row, and in their places were two infant car seats.  I looked behind me at our doubled-in-size brood and felt more panicked than I think I had ever felt before.  And to be honest, I look back on those early days with the twins and I don't know how we all survived.

But survive we did, and this week we celebrated our twinners' third birthday!  We had a scrumptious dinner of ham & cheese sliders and various side dishes contributed by all of our family.
 Adam and Drew love all vehicles but especially airplanes and trains, so those were the themes of their cakes. 

I stole a page from my aunt Laurie's book and we sing "Happy Birthday" twice: once to Adam and once to Drew.  Adam did not want his cake disturbed at all and was none to pleased when his candles were extinguished.  You should have seen him when we cut into that thing; it pretty much ruined his day.  But Drew enjoyed his singing quite a bit.  (And Blogger won't let me upload the videos.  I'll try again; check back soon!)

We love Adam and Drew so much.  Adam is so outgoing and friendly.  He loves to run into a room and shout, "Heh-woh guys!"  He also waltzes up to complete strangers and hugs them like they're his best friend in the world.  And Drew is so sweet and kind.  Drew is my snack monster, and any time he drags me into the pantry for food he's sure to take two so he can give one to Adam.  We hope three will be an amazing year for our little buddies!


ottspot said...

When I saw you walk by on Sunday I thought "Oh my goodness, the twins are BIG!" How did that happen?! :-)

Petersons said...

Darling! I hope you can upload the videos. Sounds too funny! I love the cakes!

Lindsey said...

Remember when you thought you could never make fondant again because it made you gag when you were pregs with the twins? ;) Now look atcha! So proud!

Unknown said...

Well, I just read all of your blogs. Let's see. .. I thought. . .I hate you because you are so skinny (thought with great love, of course). Then I thought, those twins are so cute. Then I thought, the key to sewing and liking it is to not be a perfectionist. That's why I like sewing so much. If I mess up, I don't redo it. I just chalk it up to a nice mistake that shows how much mom cares. And lastly, I thought, I am sorry about Chris's sister. I am glad that the funeral went well and was a peaceful event. Love you Katie (I really don't hate you for being so cute and skinny). Maybe we could have lunch after Christmas. I have that week off work. :)

lisa said...

katie- you are the epitome of SUPER MOM!!!