
Celebrate Good Times, Come On

We just had a fun weekend.  Chris had the day off on Friday and sent his mom and me out to lunch (Indian  - I dream about Tikka Masala and coconut soup) while he watched the boys.  Best gift ever!  I don't get to spend nearly enough time with Pat. I'm thinkin' that it's time for somebody to get a condo in Utah.

After lunch I got to have a date at the grocery store with my favorite 6-year-old.  They hosted an Easter treasure hunt, in which the kids searched for pictures of animals and then made the sound that animal makes in order to win some candy.  They also had face painting, bunny ears making, and cookie decorating.  It was fun.

The Dog from Kate on Vimeo.

While Carter and I were hunting for animals at the store, Adam & Drew got to go to Alyssa's house for their very first birthday party.  They had such a great time!

Saturday Chris and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. My how we've grown.
We started the morning with soccer games (Haley and Carter each scored two goals, awesome)  and I lost Adam (not awesome).  Luckily Pat was with me and helped me look for him.  He had been at a playground about 20 yards from the soccer field and I was trying to watch Haley's game and keep an eye on Adam at the same time.  I was watching a pair of legs at the bottom of the slide that I thought must be Adam's, since he certainly couldn't have gotten away during the 30 seconds I had my back to him.  Well, imagine my horror when three or four minutes later those legs came out from behind the slide and I discovered that they did not belong to Adam.  A few minutes of frantically running all over the park later and I finally found him at a different playground. 

After the soccer games we headed straight to an Easter Carnival hosted by Adam & Drew's preschool.  It was sponsored and put on by the youth from the stake I grew up in, so it was fun to see old friends and neighbors there.  We had such a great time.  They had midway games, bouncy houses, face painting, lunch, and carnival treats, and all for free! Service projects rock. The weather was not great, but the kids were having so much fun that we didn't mind.
 Finally that evening Chris and I were able to celebrate our anniversary with sushi and furniture shopping.  Probably not Chris' ideal date, but I certainly enjoyed myself!  It was nice to be able to relax and focus on each other after such a busy day.

We had a nice Easter, also.  In the morning we hunted for eggs and got dressed up for church.  I don't know why, but it just feels wrong to wear anything but bright spring colors on Easter Sunday. 
 I saw these cookies on another blog and had to try to make them myself.  I gave them to my Beehives at church.  I am absolutely not above bribing 12- and 13-year-olds to like me.
After church we colored eggs and had a nice dinner over at Ryan and Kallie's house.  I don't have any pictures but you can review the festivities here
 So that, in a humongous nutshell, was our weekend.  We hope everyone had a happy Easter!


lisa said...

katie, i dont know if its the browne genes or what, but we really do have so much in common... I LOVE TIKKA MASALA TOO! mmm mmm, with some yummy garlic naan, does it get any better?!

you have the cutest kids in the entire world and im glad you all had a fabulous holiday weekend!

Ryan said...

Wowza! You sure had a fun~filled packed weekend. You are such a good mom, not to mention more talented than anyone I know. Those cookies are adorable!

Ryan said...

And this is Lindsay by the way.... Although I am sure Ry agrees with my above said statements :)