
School's Out for Summer (Part 1)

This school year has been crazy.  We've been racing between two different schools with four different teachers and three different schedules, including three different Last Days of School.  But all of that madness is finally coming to an end, and Carter is the first one to enjoy summer break. Here he is proudly displaying his Kindergarten graduation cap and final report card, which boasts straight P's!  (P stands for Proficient.)

In case you're wondering whether C-Dog enjoyed his sojourn in Kindergarten, you can take this video as evidence:

Three Bags Full from Kate on Vimeo.

And now this is the part where I don't think about how I can't believe that my little guy is going to be a first grader in a few months and will be at school all day long!  We'll just focus on enjoying summer first.

1 comment:

Ryan and Lindsay said...

Way to go Carter! I love that he is brave enough to do that and not even shy. I would never dare to do that!