
San Diego in Pictures

Good golly, I'm behind on blogging.  And since it's after 1:00am, I'm not even going to attempt to write about our trip to San Diego last week.  Just know that we had a lovely time as always, and we miss Grandma and Grandpa already.

California Adventure
True story: thanks to my years of being a full-time student while also working full-time, I can sleep sitting up if I'm tired enough.  Even during a riveting performance of "Disney Jr. Live".

La Jolla Shores
The beach, their shades, cold drinks.  Now all these boys need is some pigment.

Point Loma
Pretty much the most awesomely awesome family portrait ever.  I guess asking a bunch of light-eyed kids to smile into the sun for stinking five minutes while we took a bajillion shots was just too much to ask.
Anthony's Fishette and Petco Park
Our traditional date night with the big kids.

 Mount Helix
Carter poses like this in almost ever picture these days.  I think he missed his life calling as a member of a '90s boy band.

Birthday Cards for Grandpa

And Because No Vacation is Complete Without ...
Adam and Drew's favorite activities: hurting each other and breaking stuff. 

Game Over from Kate on Vimeo.


Lindsay K. said...

Your trip looked like so much fun!
Mari and Lucy are into the arms crossed stance right now too. I have to beg them not to do it in every picture!

Ryan and Lindsay said...

Ba ha ha ha! That video is hilarious. At first I thought they had cute little watches on... But I bet it's water bracelets? Anywho, will you take me with you on your next trip, please? Thanks!

Lindsey said...

Ha! I just love your family. I love your quick little cat-nap at the Disney Jr. song. Haven't we all done that? And then said the ole "I'm just resting my eyes..." reply?

And now I can't get "Disney Junior....Disney Junior....Disney Junior.....Where the magic begins!" song outta my head! Dang!