
School's Out for Summer (Part 3)

Haley's last day of school was a couple of weeks ago.  Never in my life have I seen kids wearing long sleeves, jeans, and coats on the last day of school.  This was the most cold and miserable spring ever!  Anyway ... Haley made this cute card for her teacher.  Hales had a pair of "best friends" necklaces, and she decided that she would keep one and give the other to Miss Schoessow.  
Haley had a pretty stupendous year.  She was elected to the student council by her classmates and was able to go to a leadership conference at BYU.  She won 3rd place in the spelling bee, sang "Thriller" in the school talent show (I have been strictly forbidden to post the video), wrote a book in the school's Story Studio,
 and won 2nd place in the school essay contest.  Each school in the state submitted their winning essays to the Freedom Festival essay contest, and Haley's essay won the Honorable Mention for her age group and was quoted in the festival's magazine!
 On top of all that, Haley continues to take piano lessons and kick butt at soccer (she scored every one of her team's goals this past season), all while earning straight-A's in school.  I am in awe of this girl.  She is truly magnificent!

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