
Birth Control

In case any of you ladies are thinking, "hmm, maybe I'd like to have another baby," but aren't quite sure that you're ready yet, let me offer Exhibit A: My Cankles.
I wish I could blame this picture on the fact that I'd just come home from church and had been wearing heeled sandals for three hours, but no; this is what my feet look like all day long. And then at night they get even bigger. So, anytime you need some good birth control, feel free to stop by this post and laugh at my feet. I won't mind.


Andy & Jennica Weeks said...

Oh, Katie that does not look fun...I am sorry! I think I must have gotten lucky with Tate, my feet didn't swell up until I was at the hospital. Infact, I got a pedicure earlier that morning thinking I wanted to have cute feet when I went into labor. I didn't realize that no matter how cute the pink polish was, there was no way to make cute out of my clubs.

Kate said...

I hear you on the polish. That's what the red is for - distraction! :)

Lindsey said...

Oh my goodness, that looks all TOO FAMILIAR. I was just like that with Deacon from about 30 weeks to about 3 weeks after delivery. Ouch! Bless your heart....put those piggies up!!

Kallie said...

yamma hamma -- that's all i have to say

Anna said...

oh my goodness, Katie! you poor thing! it'll all be worth it!!! (p.s. that REallY did make me think twice about having any baby-hungry thoughts, thanks ;)