Today as President Hinckley is laid to rest, I feel like it's only fitting for me to share my testimony of him. I was blessed with the opportunity to serve as an usher at the final dedicatory session of the Mt. Timpanogos temple, which was presided over by President Hinckley. After the session was over, I was in the foyer of the temple taking down folding chairs that had been set up for the service. The chairs all had booties on them to protect the carpet, so I was bent over and taking the booties off when I had one of the most profound experiences of my life. The only way I can describe what happened is to say that the entire countenance of the room suddenly changed. The room literally got brighter, as if somebody had turned on another light switch, but something else changed, too, that I can't really describe. The change in the atmosphere was so profound that I stopped what I was doing and looked up to see what had happened. As I looked around the room, I saw that President Hinckley had entered the foyer and was waving goodbye to everyone on his way out. I watched him until he was out of sight, and the minute that he left the room, the light dimmed, and the feeling in the room returned to normal. I knew, at that moment, that this was the Lord's truest servant in the true House of the Lord. I will never forget that experience as long as I live, and my testimony will never be shaken.
I am so thankful to have been a member of the church while President Hinckley was the prophet. He lived what he taught, and was such an exemplary representative of our faith to those of the world who knew him. I will miss him deeply, yet rejoice that he is again with his wife, who we all know he loved so dearly. I can only hope that I can someday become a fraction of the person he was.

Love those pictures, what a wonderful man...and woman.
Amen! Thanks for sharing.
What a neat experience that you had. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Wow, thanks for sharing such a beautiful spiritual experience with us, I am in awe!
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