Six people live in this house, and five of us are sick. But times like this make me realize just how sweet my kids are. It all started on Friday, when Carter fell asleep at the table during lunch. I suspected he was getting the flu, since our neighbor's kids (who spent Monday afternoon at our house) were throwing up. So I took him upstairs to my room, where he spent the rest of the day with a fever. I sneaked upstairs to take his picture since he looked so cute sleeping, but he was awake. He gave me this big smile with an "I love you, Mommy!" even though he was puking his guts out.
So then Saturday, the twins started to get sick. They wouldn't eat, they were sleeping all the time, and I noticed Adam swallowing a lot while his little tummy heaved. Sure enough, during our 5:00am feeding Adam hurled everywhere. I sat there looking at him, waiting for him to start screaming, and instead he gave me the biggest, happiest smile he has. It was so cute.
Then yesterday evening Haley started to feel sick to her stomach, so I sent her upstairs to bed. Before she went, she had to make the rounds around the house, giving her daddy and brothers kisses and telling each "I love you" before she went to bed.
I think Heavenly Father knew that if I had four kids who were also naughty, I'd end up in a padded room somewhere. So instead He sent me the four sweetest spirits He had!
oh that is so sweet, get well soon
What a bittersweet story, it breaks my heart! You certainly are blessed!
So sorry you are all sick. It's a blessing and a curse to be all be sick at the same time. At least it will be over faster. Hang in there. Sounds like your kids are troopers.
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