

Our two oldest kids have massive heads. They're so top heavy that any time they stumble, they inevitably face-plant and eat crap. Such was the case last night. Carter was running along the sidewalk being an airplane, as he does anytime he has to walk anywhere, and well, I'll let him explain what happened next.

Chris said that, after he fell, Carter paused in between screams to cry, "Airplane crashed!" I hate to laugh at my son's misfortune, but it sounds like his reaction to the whole thing was pretty funny.


Lindsey said...

He is so handsome, even with a face-plant!! And check you guys out with your mad skillz and putting captions on your video! I struggle just getting my pictures uploaded!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

he is still so darling!

Unknown said...

Nate and I loved that video. Especially when he explains how he crashed like an airplane.