
Toby Tyler

When I was a kid, I loved the move "Toby Tyler." The whole circus life seemed so romantic to me: seeing the country by train, performing for adoring fans everywhere you went ... I totally wanted to be in the circus when I watched that movie. Then as a junior in high school, we all had to take personality tests that would determine for which career we were most fit. My perfect career? You guessed it: circus performer.

Alas, life under the big top was not in the cards for me. But luckily, somebody does it, or else my kids would have missed out on experiences like the one we had today. Ryan and I took our big kids to the circus! This was my first time, and it was a lot of fun. I especially loved being able to focus completely on my big kids and enjoy spending time with them, which is something that doesn't happen that often these days. Thanks for the invitation, Ry - we had a blast!


Unknown said...

How fun! I have never been to the circus. I'm curious. Which circus performer did you want to be?

Kate said...

I totally wanted to be the bareback rider, just like the little girl in the movie. Which is funny, because I'm pretty scared of horses. :)

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

how fun, I didnt know the circus was in town...

Lindsey said...

I have never heard of Toby Tyler! But I can tell you that I really liked Big Top Pee Wee!

Jen and Alec said...

I loved your video clips! Your kids are all so adorable and I loved your bookshelf and I was very happy to see North and South make the cut. You look as beautiful as ever.

Jennica said...

Looks like fun...you are an inspiration to us all.

HeatherK said...

How FUN!!! That is so cool they got to ride an elephant! I'm jealous. Lets get together soon! Pretty soon we'll be able to BBQ I can't wait!