
I'd Like to Celebrate You, Baby

Today Chris and I celebrate our ninth anniversary! I feel old every time I say this, but I can't believe how time has flown. I was trying to think of what I could write that would adequately describe my feelings today, and I decided to look through my journal from when Chris and I were dating. I happened across this excerpt, dated July 1, 1998 (we had been dating for about a month):

"... if things keep going like they are, I think I may marry Chris. In the midst of everything that's been going on, Chris has been my haven. Whenever I'm with him, it's like everything stressful eases up and I can breathe again. I can tell him anything, and I know that he'll support me in whatever I decide to do. He cares about me more than himself and will do anything to make me happy. I really think that I am falling in love with him. He is my best friend; I can't imagine life without him. He has been such a blessing in my life and I am so grateful to have him."

It's funny: I wrote that nearly ten years ago, but it might as well have been yesterday. Happy Anniversary to us - I love you!


Lindsey said...

What a beautiful picture, I love it!

Happy Anniversary you guys!!!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! Didn't you say Chris is out of town for your anniversary. I am sorry for you if he is. Do something fabulous when he comes back. Nine years is a long time. Well, at least to us. I visit teach a lady who has been married 69 years and she still seems happy with her beau. Anyway, congrats on making through nine years of trials, joys, children, and all the other stuff. Love Ya!

Lindsay K. said...

Happy Anniversary! Chris better make it up to you when he gets back.

Wendy said...

Happy Anniversary! 9 years is a long time. That's a cute picture of you guys.

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

that is so cute!!! congrats !!

The Edwards Family said...

Congrats, hope you had a great anniversary!