
My Foot in the Door

I've always hoped that I'd be able to make a career of writing again once all of our kids are in school. In the meantime, I thought that it would be fun to make a little extra money here and there by doing freelance work, so to get started I sent my resume to Wasatch Woman Magazine. Well, this month I have articles in WWM and in a new magazine called Utah Spaces! Both of my articles are tiny, but it was fun to use my degree (and my brain, for that matter) again.


Lindsey said...

Katie! That is seriously so awesome! I am so excited for you? Can we read your articles online??


Unknown said...

Wow! I am really proud of you. Teach me how to do that. I've thought about submitting some stuff to the ensign or something, but I have to write it first. And thanks for remembering my birthday. Your super-dee-duper! Love ya.

Unknown said...

Congrats Katie! That is awesome! I love reading your posts. You are an amazing writer. Maybe someday I can be like you. :)

Petersons said...

Yay! You were always a smart, creative person. It's fun to do something other that "motherly" with your brain! Can't wait to see you!

Kate said...

Thanks, guys! Lindsey: you might be able to read the WWM article once they update their site, but they still have the March/April issue up now.

HeatherK said...

Katie that is soo neat! WOW! your published!!! Your such a great writer! I think this is just the beginning!

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

that is awesome but I have to argue that mothe ing still takes brains ...you have to answer all those "how come" and "why's"...right?

Jen and Alec said...

That is awesome Katie! Not that I am surprised, I always knew you had some serious English skills, I just don't know how you found the time and sanity to write something. Kudos to you! Are they available online? I would love love love to read them.