
Who's With Me?

I saw the One Hundred Push-ups Challenge on Munch & Crunch's blog. I'm gonna try it ... who's in?


Lindsay K. said...

Are you crazy? I think 10 is my tops. I don't think I would be able to do it, but I will cheer you on. Go Katie!!

Unknown said...

I can only do push ups against the wall...but then I would be happy to do one hundred. Push ups. . . not really my thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally up for it... you and me, let's go! :)

Lindsey said...

I'm in! Can you imagine the "guns" we'd have for doing 100 push-ups???

Kate said...

Yay Lindsay-ey-s! We'll compare guns in six weeks. ;)

romanrobertaloftus said...

I'm in!!! I hope it will also help with the last 10 lb., or 15 lb.
About the last comment you left: I know... My mother in law looks great. It's pretty sad when your mother-in-law looks better in a swimming suit than you!! I really need to do this challenge.

HeatherK said...

can I do half..?
I'll try 50...and space them out throught the day..
I'm such a weakling.
I really want to get together for a BBQ! I'll call you!

Petersons said...

Um, I can't do one. Thanks anyway.

Lindsey said...

Yes! I'm stoked! OK, so are we going to do "good form" (aka "boys"), or "alternative" (aka "girls") push-ups?

Kate said...

I'm going to try boy push-ups. I can do a bunch of girl ones now, but I can only do 10 boy ones! I highly doubt that I'll ever be able to do 100, but it will be fun to try, right?

Jen and Alec said...

I could maybe conceive of doing 100 girl pushups, but I think boy push-ups are labeled for a reason. I think I would look like Popeye if I did 100 boy style.

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

hmmm, I hate push ups, how about 100 lunges, I think I could do that... or jumping jacks???

Alisha said...

Count me in! I don't think I have ever even thought of doing 100 push ups in a row. It will be great.

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

Ok I have heard of this from Roberta. I will try it but I CAN'T PROMISE ANYTHING!!

Brittany & Barry said...

I had to really see if I'm up for this and just decided that I'M IN TOO! I started at 10 (boy style, of course...c'mon!), so we'll see where I end up. I'm excited for this! :)