
This Week in Fashion

Matching blown-out diapers? Puh-lease. That was so last week. The latest trend in twin fashion? Matching earaches/sore throats/runny noses. Now that's hot!


Wendy said...

Oh Katie, so sorry to hear the twins are still sick. Please make Chris take them so you can get a break!

Congrats to Haley for being King (queen) for a day! Too bad it wasn't very exciting.

Jen and Alec said...

You are hilarious, that is all I can say. Your situation...definitely NOT hilarious.

Lindsey said...

Oh no.....I'm so sorry Kate! I hope they feel better really really soon!!!

Unknown said...

It's just one thing after another. Hang in there. I actually don't have your email, but mine is stephanie.baxter@stalkerfamily.com
We need to get together. It's been a year since we had dinner at my parent's house. I can't believe that. Anyway, hope the twins are better soon.

Hailey Smoot Kandell said...

oh bummer. poor sweet boys.

The Reeds said...

Good luck with that new fashion. I tend to not be so fashionable myself. So hopefully with this trend it will say that way..

Hope they get to feeling better.

We can do hard things! said...

Do they always do things together like that? Poor babies...poor you!!!