
Jumping Beans

We went to the Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point with our friends today. I don't have any pictures to show or even anything to say about what the kids did there, because I spent pretty much the entire time standing in line for the bungee-trampoline ride while the kids played. It was totally worth it.

Listen for Carter to yell, "Yeah! Woo, Spiderman! I'm Spiderman!"

I hereby crown Haley Queen of the Back-Flips.

Totally random people in line were cheering for Chris' tricks. He should probably join the circus.


TheGefrom5 said...

Wow! I didn't know your family was so talented! Why are you not a circus family? Run away to one right now!! :) And the twins could have their own act too! ;)

Ashley said...

So fun! I LOVE Fall time! And I am SO going to try the soup and cupcake recipes some time... scrumptious! I have to say--and don't take this the wrong way--that your family is quite entertaining! You guys are so fun; I love it!

Unknown said...

Chris is well off his prime, back in the day he could have done a triple or quadruple, COME ONE CHRIS!