
Happy Halloween!

Since when is Halloween a week-long extravaganza? We had a lot of fun this Halloween, but man it was nuts! We started the week with our ward Halloween party, then hit Hee Haw Farm on Tuesday, Thursday was Batman's party at preschool and also our family pumpkin-carving bonanza, and on Friday we watched Haley march in the costume parade at school, went Trick-or-Treating at the Historic City Center with Mari and Lucy, and then scoured the neighborhood for yet more candy. And of course, all of this candy will forevermore be joined the very next day by not one but two birthday cakes. We have enough sugar in our house to put a small nation into sugar shock!

Haley as Hannah Montana
Batman as "Sir Batman, the bravest knight in all the land!" (His words, not mine. I seriously don't know where he gets this stuff!)
Adam as Thing One
Drew as Thing Two


Wendy said...

Too cute. Love all the costumes. Your kiddos are lucky they actually get to wear their costumes to school. For some reason they're not allowed to do that around these parts. Some districts even have the whole day off of school.

Anyway, looks like you had a very fun and sugary week.

Jen and Alec said...

As always, I was looking forward to your post and I was not disappointed. The costumes are so cute and the twins are hilarious!

Lindsey said...

Awesome costumes! They all look darling!

And...I really want your t-shirt. ;)

We can do hard things! said...

HaHa...loved the babies! They were hilarious! Hannah and Sir Knight were also adorable. I hate the whole parade thing at the school...it drives me crazy! My kids couldn't wear any makeup so they both chose to wear something different to school...dumb!

Ashley said...

I love Thing 1 and 2... they're so adorable! glad you had a good Halloween.