
More Times than I Can Count

Due to various obligations, this sexy guy... has not made it home before this time... one single night this week. What's a girl to do with 48 hours of quality time alone with her children? Well, I've compiled a list of the top five things that I've done this week:

5. Played endless rounds of these4. Prepared, served, fed, force-fed, and cleaned up 48 of these
3. Laughed (so I wouldn't cry) about how very busy these two are
2. Yelled "Everybody quit yelling!" more times than I can count
1. Read 16 bedtime stories, gave 16 kisses goodnight, and listened to 8 very sweet bedtime prayers, including these two:

Haley: "... bless that I won't have scary dreams ever again as long as I live, unless I want to, and bless Carter that he won't have scary dreams ever again as long as he lives, unless he wants to ..." Carter: "... we grateful for this day I didn't know how to finish my dinner, we grateful for Jesus to help us not have scary dreams ..." (I'm sensing a theme here!)

Seriously, I'm amazed every day that every day can be so exhausting, monotonous, and frustrating, and yet joyful, rewarding, and fulfilling. Being a mom is nuts!


TheGefrom5 said...

I don't know how YOU do it. Or how we all do it. But YOU especially!! I could NEVER hack it as a single mother, or a military wife. I can't WAIT for MArk to get home at night for some help and relief. Adn the nights he's not there, my poor kids...;)

Wendie said...

Amen to that!

Chrissy said...

That is soooo funny! I love the prayers, you are smart to record them. I used to think I would remember all the cute and funny things my kids said and did, but I don't and it makes me sad!!!

As mothers we NEED a sense of humor, or we'd never survive!!

See you at bunco next week!

Unknown said...

Funny and at the same time I feel your pain. . . well, ok, not right at this exact moment seeing as I go to work everyday, leaving the monotony behind. . . but I remember your pain. I love the pics of the messes the twins made around the house. That is so just life with babies. Keep it up. You are a great mom. Love ya!

Jessica and Reece said...

You are supermom. I bow to you :)

Brittany & Barry said...

Oh, girl, I hear you!! But I feel bad saying that since I only have half the amount of kids you do...and 2 girls! You're a great mom!

romanrobertaloftus said...

I love Haley's and Carter's prayers! Very, very cute!

Jess said...

I recognize the tissues being pulled out. That must be the age thing - Enok does it all the time. (And sometimes Ruby!) Doesn't it seem like while you are picking up one mess someone is busy making another? :)

Lindsey said...


I can only "assume" that is Drew The Climber.

I'm so sorry that you have been a single mother, so to speak. It's hard isn't it? I feel your pain... But you really find out what you're made of, don't you? You are such a good mom!!

Anonymous said...


I can not tell you the joy I get by remembering all of those special timed with two-to-four kids and know that I'll never have to face them again (of course if it's grandkids it will be AWESOME!!). You bring me joy for you and yours and memories and hilarity for me and mine. Thank You! I hope we get to a point where I can contribute to the effort of us seeing each other a lot more often. Until then, thanks again, and I love you all.

We can do hard things! said...

I feel like I have twins sometimes...maybe worse because Jess is a little older and wise to the ways! Those little messes they make keep you busy for hours. Looks just like my house on a daily basis...whatchya gonna do?