
April Fool's Recap

My current mental state (see post below) has caused me to accidentally delete my video from April Fool's Day. At least, I think that's what happened, since the video is no longer on my camera or my computer. I'm sad - it was so funny! I put gelatin in the kids' apple juice and recorded their surprise when they tried to take a drink that morning.

Later that morning Haley had her revenge: when I poured my daily bowl of Special K, I was greeted by a bowl full of Kix instead. And when I tried to put the Kix bag back into the Kix box, I found the Apple Jacks inside! Haley switched all of the bags of cereal inside of the boxes. I thought that was a pretty good trick for a seven-year-old to pull off!


Wendy said...

That is too funny. What a clever little Haley. And I'm impressed with your trick too. I was trying to think of something I could do on April 1 but went totally blank, so I did nothing. :)

I know what you mean about finding "your" home. There are a lot of nice homes out there but you got to find the one that's meant to be yours. It'll happen. When we were looking for a house I wondered if it would ever happen for us but eventually we did find the one that didn't feel like someone elses. Does that make any sense?

Unknown said...

I didn't do anything for April fools day either. Next year I just might try the gelatin. That must have been hilarious.