

So, our home is under contract, and I am completely freaking out. We were fully prepared to wait a year or more before our home sold, but a couple came and looked at it a week after we put it on the market, and they made an offer the next day. I guess the fact that Chris and I are totally anal and OCD has finally proven beneficial!

So now we are frantically trying to find a new home for our little family. Right now we're looking into building a home about two blocks east of here because we really love this neighborhood. But if that doesn't work out, I don't know what we'll do. We've looked at several beautiful homes - including one that's almost perfect for us - but none of them feels like home, you know? We have a little while to look around because our buyers won't be moving here until June. But still, I'm feeling majorly stressed out. This is a huge decision to make under pressure! Gaaah!


Jennica said...

We LOVE Lehi...you might too ;)

Lindsay K. said...

I can't believe how fast that was. I am so excited for you guys!! Makes me want to sell ours.

Lindsey said...

So do you just have a looooong escrow so you can figure out what to do? Or do you only have 30 days? Either way? Stress. I hope you find a great home very SOON.

Unknown said...

How fun! I am sure you will find what you are looking for. What will you do if you build? Will you rent until it's done?

Kristan Carter said...

I think you should build in the field for sure....

Unknown said...

how exciting! that's crazy that is sold so fast! - don't you get a double tax credit if you buy new? good luck with everything!