
Hoppy Birthday!

Chris' birthday kind of got lost in the mix this year. He had to share his birthday serenade at Tucanos (at least he won the Birthday Boy Dance-Off):

He had to compete with the Easter Bunny:
He had to share his new RC airplane with the kids:He even had to share his candle-blowing with his brother-in-law:

Still, I think Haley's gift made up for all of that.

Even though he had to share his spotlight, we still think he's a star! (Did I really just type that?) Happy Birthday to you, Chris! We love you so much!


Lindsey said...

Such a bummer! I can't open the dance-off video but I will try again later...

But the last video just breaks my heart. So sweet from "Wait...I've heard of this one" (LOL) to the very end. Haley you are playing so well!!

Happy Birthday Chris!

The Edwards Family said...

I Loved all of the videos. I can't say I've ever witnessed a dance off at tucanos, I'm glad you caught that on tape.

The Reeds said...

I need to come out to Utah to get my dancing lessons and my piano lessons. Sounds like you guys have been busy with birthdays, holidays, and selling your home. Happy Birthday Chris!

Kallie said...

Good Job Haley -- that was a perfect performance!

Laurie said...

Happy Birthday Chris! Don't you just love gifts from the heart from your kids? I'll take that kind of present over something store bought any day. For my b'day, I got a sweet, sweet loving letter from Mikey with a Certificate of Merit taped to it. (He made High Honor Roll-- 3.97 GPA!)
Hope you had a great b'day, you lean, mean, dancing machine!

Wendy said...

Happy belated birthday Chris! You have the same birthday as my dad. Loved the birthday dancing. And Haley is a really good piano player.