
December Recap Part II: The Move

After a year-long process, we finally made it into our new home. I think the kids liked it better before we got all of the furniture in. They spent an entire evening racing back and forth in our bedroom, which was a hoot to watch.
Everyone in the shower! See Carter? He's about to turn on the water. Luckily everyone made it out dry except Carter. Serves him right. (Sorry that our crappy camera's refusal to focus made Haley look like a corpse.)
I just think this picture is funny. It's something about the way Drew is running (he's on the right), but I can't put my finger on exactly what it is.We had the unfortunate experience of taking the boys with us to the closing. They ran around the title office like a pack of wild warthogs until the receptionist produced a bucket of ring pops. I've got to remember that trick.Next up: Christmas!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And your new home is fabulous. :) Congratulations.