
December Recap Part III: Christmas

Christmas was challenging for me this year. I wanted to keep all of our traditions alive for the kids, and yet this year it all kind of felt like added stress to an already stressful month. However, with "a little help from Jack Daniels" (just kidding - my family likes to incorporate quotes from Christmas Vacation into every conversation) we managed to get mostly settled into our new home and still celebrate Christmas to the fullest.

We made a gingerbread house,
We visited Temple Square, where our crappy camera struck again,
We decorated cookies for Santa with our cousins (notice we're all in our Cougar Blue 'cause it was game day!),And we were treated to more of Haley's mad piano skills.

We had my family over for our traditional Christmas Eve turkey dinner, topped off with a little healthy competition,
And we enjoyed our usual Christmas morning mayhem.
Last year Santa stuffed my stocking with an Edward poster, and this year he treated me to some wolf pack eye candy. I keep threatening to hang these posters on the ceiling above our bed.
So, that was our December. Insane, crazy, hectic, stressful ... and one of the best months ever. And now, I'm dreaming only of a calm and relaxing 2010! (No chance, but a girl can dream, right?)


Unknown said...

Oh, I would definitely hang that above your bed. Chris is just jealous. HAHAHa.

Brittany & Barry said...

We've got one of those crappy cameras too... Glad you're close by again. Definitely gotta come over one of these days. :)