
Joke's On Us

Everyone in Utah knows that the biggest prank of all was played today by Mother Nature, who has so far tormented us with a 100% spring-free spring. But at our house the prank was food-related, as pretty much everything at our house is. I give you The Cupcake Dinner.I told the kids that the April Fool's joke was that we were having cupcakes for dinner, in an effort to throw them off the scent (literally) of the real prank: the cupcakes were made of meatloaf and the mashed potatoes and gravy were really ice cream with caramel sauce. I made the "beans" by rolling out ropes of green fondant and then cutting the ropes into segments to look like green beans.

Just kidding. The beans are really just beans.


Kallie said...

HAHAHAHAHA -- carter was onto you the whole time, but the twins reaction was the best. i'm laughing out loud and wishing i could've punked my kids too.

Unknown said...

haha..love it! I have no creativity like that, so no jokes were played at our house. :)

Petersons said...

Ooohh...do you have that book called "Cupcakes"? That has all those awesome cupcake ideas? I love it!

romanrobertaloftus said...

That was great! What a fun mom! I love their reactions.