
She Belongs

As I mentioned below, Haley was baptized into our church last weekend. Before her baptismal day, I had planned four pictures that I specifically wanted to take to help her remember the day:
  1. A photo Haley in her cute outfit.
  2. A photo of our family, preferably outside the church building.
  3. A photo of Haley and her dad in their baptismal clothing.
  4. A photo of everyone who came to be with Haley.
I had such good intentions. But then Adam and Drew did their thing, and I was so flustered that I forgot to take any of those pictures! Grr. So here are the shots we did get:

Haley in her cute outfit
, minus her patent leather ballet flats (my favorite part) and with most of her body blocked by a gift and a Drew. Our family, just not all together. Or in front of the church.Note to self: never, ever pose like that again. It makes your gargantuan head look even bigger than it really is.Haley and her dad in their baptismal clothes. I did have the presence of mind to take this one, although it's completely out of focus. Yay me!
Everyone who came to be with Haley. I think I got almost everyone. Thank you, thank you, thank you all. You made Haley's day so special and we love you.Anyone want some deli meat? We could feed a small nation with our leftovers. Seriously.


Lindsey said...

Well I think all the photos posted are perfect, not to mention adorable. She is such a beautiful girl and I'm so happy that she had a great and special day.

P.S. Looooove your Ruby Slippers! ;)

Jessica and Reece said...

I love it! What a beautiful girl you have! I remember going to your parents house 8 years ago and seeing a box of pink sugar cookies announcing you were having a girl. I always thought that was so clever :)

ottspot said...

Hey! Are those the pelmet boxes (is that the right word?) you made hanging in your family room??? They look awesome!

Kate said...

Thanks Erin! They still need some work - I think I made them too tall - but I need a break from them for a little while.

Nate said...

Just so you know, I saw this post right after you posted it. I was just too lazy to log in and say something. Anyway, congratulations Haley. Write down how you felt about it because when you are old you will never remember how neat it was. :)