
Just Doing My Part

Forget October. As far as I'm concerned, hunting season falls during the months of January through April. I spend the entire first four months of every year stalking grocery stores, hoping to find this on sale:
I just polished off my first carton of the season. (It lasted eight days - a new record!) It's probably a good thing that this frozen manna from heaven is not available year-round. My personal rule is that I'm only allowed to buy it if it's on sale, but you can bet that any time I find it discounted at all I kind of turn into Gollum ("My precious!") from Lord of the Rings. But you know, a portion of my proceeds goes to the Girl Scouts of America, so really I'm just contributing to the future of our nation. You're welcome.


Chrissy said...

i'v never even seen that b4....but looks amazing!!!!

Petersons said...

I'll have to try it!

Unknown said...

Oh, I love Samoas. I have never had the ice cream. I will just add that to my craving list to help me pack on the pounds. . . I was going to try to limit those, but hey, I am going to get fat no matter what I do so here's to Samoa Cookie Ice Cream!

Brian and Carly said...

Hi Katie. Just saw your blog on Kristens and thought I'd say hi. It's fun to have backyard neighbors! Please let me know if you ever need ANYTHING! I sometimes have eggs :)

Carly Dilley

Jenny said...

Now I have Samoa Ice Cream on my radar, too....